Goals for Poster (:
Focus on Sediment
Paramecium Pond: A Man Made System
Poster as a Concept Map
- each element in the concept map relating to parts of the poster
- various points made, data, graphs relating to concept map imagery
- concept map like a table of contents for the poster
- systems thinking
LESS Intro, middle, end
MORE flow as a system with many elements considered that can then be considered together
Man Made Elements:
- Cement in Silver Thread
- Potassium in the treated water found in the sediment
Cross-Section of 0-100cm Core Sample
- maybe graphs analyzing chemical make-up relating to specific layers
Concept Map//System Elements:
Watershed Visual (considering the larger system)
- Text for each graph -- analysis, correlations, conclusions
- XRF Analysis
- core sample process description, grab sample process description
- Watershed
- Brief History of the Pond + Physical Elements Today
- Captions for Photos (microscope shots)
- Future Work, Questions Unanswered
- References (post on blog and compile as we go!)
- Introduction to a focus on sediment (perhaps near concept map)
Excel Graphs:
- Core Samples (depth?)
- Grab Samples from this Semester (spacial reference to typography?)
Focus on Sediment
Paramecium Pond: A Man Made System
Poster as a Concept Map
- each element in the concept map relating to parts of the poster
- various points made, data, graphs relating to concept map imagery
- concept map like a table of contents for the poster
- systems thinking
LESS Intro, middle, end
MORE flow as a system with many elements considered that can then be considered together
Man Made Elements:
- Cement in Silver Thread
- Potassium in the treated water found in the sediment
Cross-Section of 0-100cm Core Sample
- maybe graphs analyzing chemical make-up relating to specific layers
Concept Map//System Elements:
Watershed Visual (considering the larger system)
- Text for each graph -- analysis, correlations, conclusions
- XRF Analysis
- core sample process description, grab sample process description
- Watershed
- Brief History of the Pond + Physical Elements Today
- Captions for Photos (microscope shots)
- Future Work, Questions Unanswered
- References (post on blog and compile as we go!)
- Introduction to a focus on sediment (perhaps near concept map)
Excel Graphs:
- Core Samples (depth?)
- Grab Samples from this Semester (spacial reference to typography?)
Concept maps are a MUST!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI can pretty much handle graphs!
ReplyDeleteI can describe the methods and do a draft of the intro (history, introduce system) for Saturday