Methods (can be turned into bulletpoints if too wordy)
Grab Samples
Samples from the middle of the pond were taken by boat using a ponar-type grab sampler and samples from the edge were taken using a peat corer or by hand. These samples were then plated in petri dishes and left to dry in a furnace. Dry samples were ground using a (name of instrument) and divided into samples to be analyzed via XRF analysis.
Core Samples
Core samples were taken by students in earlier years by using a Russian peat corer. The peat corer is pushed into the sediment and twisted to collect a cylindrical core, which is then removed, photographed, measured, sliced into sections, and left to dry. Dry samples were ground using a mixer mill and prepared for XRF analysis.
X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Analysis Methods
Photons are shot at sample, causing inner-shell electrons to be ejected. Outer-shell electrons fill vacancy and emit more photons. Each element has a different signature, which is picked up by the XRF detector. XRF Analysis can show both the presence and quantity of each element detected.
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